A Bogus Concert Promoter Reportedly Scheduled an Entire Fake Drake Tour

Fans have already bought tickets for a Drake show in Houston that's never going to happen, ABC13 reports. Drizzy was billed as performing at the Arena Theatre May 13, but it turns out the show isn't legit, and the venue—and a handful of others around the U.S.—may have been scammed by a fake promoter pushing a fake tour.
The Arena is offering refunds to fans who shelled out for pre-sale tickets, and Drake's spokesperson is asking anyone who fell for the scam to let the authorities know:
"Drake has never been scheduled to appear at the Arena Theatre venue. When we learned of this situation we immediately encouraged the venue and promoter to contact law enforcement to initiate an investigation. We are horrified that someone would use Drake's name to take advantage of his fans. For any individuals who may have fallen victim to this, please contact your local authorities."
The venue says it's working with Drake's people at OVO Sound to try to get a legitimate concert on the calendar, and people who purchase the pre-sale tickets for the fake show will get first priority. (People who bought the tickets secondhand on Craigslist might just be out of luck.)

According to Gossip Cop, "an unidentified phony promotion company" has also tricked venues and fans in seven other cities, including Miami.
Back in 2010, the Miami New Times reported that people posing as members of Drake's team and booking fake shows was already "a trend."
Here's the statement Drake's people put out at the time:
It has come to light that an individual or groups of individuals have been contracting and advertising false bookings of Aspire/Cash Money/Young Money recording artist Drake for financial gain. These individuals misrepresent themselves as management affiliates of Drake in order to secure and pocket deposits for false bookings and club appearances.
No word on who the scammers are, or whether the 2010 incidents are related to the game being run this year.
In the meantime, be aware that the only real shows currently on Drake's schedule are either at music festivals or outside the U.S.