Forward or Delete: This Week's Fake Viral Photos

Occasionally, against all odds, you'll see an interesting or even enjoyable picture on the Internet. But is it worth sharing, or just another Photoshop job that belongs in the digital trash heap? Check in here and find out if that viral photo deserves an enthusiastic "forward" or a pitiless "delete."
Exactly how long have U2 been forcing their music on us for?!
— JamieDMJ (@JamieDMJ) September 16, 2014
Like war with Iraq, U2's autocratic command of the pop charts has been an unnerving constant in the lives of Millennials, seemingly dating back to the creation of time itself. So social media users had little reason to question the authenticity of this viral image, which echoed the band's recent invasion of millions of defenseless iTunes libraries.
However, as Factually's Matt Novak explained on Tuesday, "It's a funny chucklegoof. But it's a fake." The original, unaltered image can be seen below, scanned from a catalog sent out by British retailer Argos in 1986.


Given the ubiquity of fake giant Moon pics online, folks were understandably skeptical when this photo appeared on CBS Dallas/Fort Worth's Facebook page. This one, however, isn't just legit, it's barely even cropped.
The trick, it seems, is shooting from miles away with a big-ass lens. "I have lots of shots of the Moon seconds before and after the shot," photographer Brian Luenser told Antiviral. "Would be amazing math to have all the angles and relationships the same for each shot. Impossible really. So just plain real."

so 2014, a guy in CA, stole his dead girlfriend from a morgue and posted it to the internet. #GOATyear
— John (@ogthagod) September 12, 2014
As Antiviral covered in detail yesterday, this gruesome selfie—supposedly taken by "a Dude in CA" after stealing his girlfriend's corpse—is completely fake. Confirming the suspicions of many, we learned that the dead body is actually a studio prop and her chauffeur a production assistant. "It was my friend who put this story online without my permission," the P.A. told Antiviral, "and he also put that crazy title."

This fucked up snapshot, on the other hand, is totally real. Taken in the Spanish town of Guardamar del Segura, the candid moment between corpse, gravedigger and corpse's nephew quickly spread through social media before being discovered by local officials, who issued a statement saying they "regret the events in the municipal cemetery."
"It was nonsense that has no justification," a city spokesperson told Diario Información, "and that forces us to make decisions," arguably the far greater crime.
You guys start using Wave yet? A new battery charging feature for the iOS 8.
— SupremeStrokage (@StrokageSupreme) September 19, 2014
On Wednesday, the latest in a long series of 4chan hoaxes kicked off with a thread soliciting prank ideas for users of Apple's recently released iOS 8. After some debate, posters agreed on the idea of "wireless microwave charging" and the prank was rendered as a single, endlessly shareable image.
Naturally, the campaign was an instant success, circulating widely on Twitter and Reddit and generating a dozen or so news stories warning people not to microwave their goddamn phones.
— Bryan Kim (@bryankim23) September 18, 2014
But because we now live in a horrible, trolling-based dystopia, it's not actually clear how many people, if any, actually fell for the prank. The above example of 4chan's master trole, for instance, is in reality a year-old photo pulled from Flickr. Another such picture comes from a 2012 YouTube video titled "iPhone 5 Microwave Test."
In the end, there's really only one truth on the Internet: everything is a hoax.