Forward or Delete: This Week's Fake Viral Photos

Occasionally, against all odds, you'll see an interesting or even enjoyable picture on the Internet. But is it worth sharing, or just another Photoshop job that belongs in the digital trash heap? Check in here and find out if that viral photo deserves an enthusiastic "forward" or a pitiless "delete."

When one kid's gleefully morbid darnd-ism showed up on Reddit yesterday, even those who truly wanted to believe had trouble doing so without reservation, Jezebel's Mark Shrayber going so far as to attach a disclaimer reading "this may not be a real little girl, but it's Thanksgiving and it's funny and we deserve a little joy."
Fortunately for them (and legions of under-appreciated dead people), the picture is real, showing the front page of Thursday's Saline Courier. The quote can clearly be seen here on a stack of bundled papers, confirming that young Isabella's wisdom reached thousands of readers in central Arkansas this week.
Meanwhile in New York, Hello Kitty balloon #StopTheParade via @3r1nG
— Jelena Jovanovic (@Miss_Cybernaut) November 27, 2014
On Thursday, this picture and a similar one featuring a surprisingly principled Pikachu balloon were widely shared on Twitter with the hashtag #StopTheParade, the name of a Ferguson-related demonstration against the (notoriously violent) Macy's Day Parade.
But while most people understood the images to be manipulations designed to bring attention to the protest, some weren't as sure.
As the original, sign-less photo taken at last year's parade illustrates, Hello Kitty has yet to release a statement on the Ferguson grand jury decision.
— NEW IG: yourfavzav (@XAVIERLEEDS) November 25, 2014
While members of the KKK are reportedly active in St. Louis County, Missouri, this photo of hooded Klansmen currently circulating online was taken far away from Ferguson.
Captured during an anti-semitic demonstration in Lviv, Ukraine, the 2009 picture shows a completely different county's racist assholes—one of whom, @stevenscuba notes, sports a less-than-menacing SpongeBob Squarepants belt.

Supposedly from a 1974 Lego pamphlet, this picture immediately set off bullshit detectors when it popped up on Reddit Friday, expressing what some saw as an anachronistically progressive attitude on gender. But as The Independent confirmed on Monday, the anti-stereotyping message is absolutely real.
"The text is from 1974 and was a part of a pamphlet showing a variety of Lego doll house products targeted girls aged 4 and up," Lego spokesperson Emma Owen told the paper.
One Redditor also found scans of German and Portuguese versions of the pamphlet, surely to the delight of story-desperate bloggers across Brazil.
Terry Sawchuk - The face of a hockey goalie before masks became standard game equipment, 1966
— Historical Pics (@VeryOldPics) November 24, 2014
While pre-mask era NHL goalie Terry Sawchuk was indeed a pretty jacked-up dude, the stitches and scars seen on his face in this photo are prosthetic. From the original LIFE magazine spread:
Goalie Terry Sawchuk sports fake scars and wounds applied by a make-up artist to simulate injuries accumulated in 16 years of professional hockey, 1966.