Sorry, That Viral Free Speech Photo Is from Bundy Ranch, Not Ferguson

Before you hit "retweet," you might want to source that political statement. On Tuesday night, thousands of Twitter users shared this image of a protest sign next to a "First Amendment Area" with the hashtag "#Ferguson," making it appear the picture was taken in the troubled St. Louis suburb.
This says it all. #Ferguson
— eldifusor (@eldifusor) August 19, 2014
Unfortunately for them, the picture comes from a different protest entirely, one that the Ferguson demonstrators and their supporters might have trouble mustering the same enthusiasm for.
In this photo taken at Bundy ranch in April, the pictured "First Amendment Area" sign is clearly visible next to Cliven Bundy himself, a man who presumably hasn't made the 1,300 mile journey to demand justice for Michael Brown.

Bundy, you'll remember, is the Nevada rancher who faced off against Federal officials over grazing rights earlier this year. During that incident, the Bureau of Land Management set up the controversial "First Amendment Area" before taking it down under public pressure.
[Images via Twitter/AP]
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