Associated Press Dutifully Reports Twitter Parody as Fact

Hudson Hongo · 07/23/14 02:50PM

In a place as strange and wonderful as the Internet, it can be tough even for web-native publications to get all the facts straight, but old media seems to have a special talent for fucking them completely sideways. Take, for example, the Associated Press and New York Daily News, who yesterday reported a brazen attack by bicycle terrorists in New York, using a tweet from a clearly identified parody account as their only source.

Miley Cyrus Takes Three Days Off Internet, Fueling Death Rumors

Hudson Hongo · 07/22/14 02:20PM

If you're not on Instagram, do you even really exist? That's the existential dilemma Miley Cyrus fans wrestled with this weekend after the pop star took an almost 90-hour break from posting dirty feet pics and dildo reviews. The uncharacteristic social media silence seemed to confirm a laughably fake survey scam reporting Cyrus' death, flooding the Internet with much emoji weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Detroit's "Testicle-Eating" Monster Fish Won't Actually Eat Your Balls

Hudson Hongo · 07/16/14 01:00PM

On Monday, Detroit's WXYZ reported a red-bellied pacu had been caught in nearby Lake St. Clair, renewing fears from last summer that the weirdly toothy piranha relative was coming for our junk. As described by Vocativ, KMGH Denver and others, the pacu is "known for consuming human testicles" earning it the nickname "the ball cutter." But America's testicle-havers will be happy to learn the chiefly vegetarian fish's reputation for ball consumption is unfounded, the result of a decade-long game of telephone.

Here's Every Bogus Story from the World Cup Finals

Hudson Hongo · 07/14/14 12:30PM

The World Cup may be over, but on the Internet the "World Cup bullshit" season is in full effect. So which of today's viral soccer stories are completely made-up? Read below to find out! (Hint: It's all of them)

No, Chicago Isn't an Actual War Zone

Hudson Hongo · 07/11/14 02:45PM

With over 80 people shot, the Fourth of July weekend was Chicago's bloodiest of the year, prompting some to suggest the National Guard be called in to patrol the troubled city. On Monday, "satire" site The News Nerd did them one better, publishing an article claiming military forces had already been deployed to the city now "considered a war zone."

Kentucky's "Real-Life Dexter" Is Really Fake

Hudson Hongo · 07/10/14 02:20PM

"Wouldn't it be crazy if [TV show I watch] were real?" That's the thought that had Showtime subscribers losing their shit this week after an article came out about 17 dismembered bodies being found in the Ohio River near Henderson, Ky. According to the report, the victims were wrapped in individual plastic bags and some had "extensive criminal records," causing police to speculate the murders were possibly "inspired by the television series Dexter."

If Gingers Go Extinct It Won't Be Because of Global Warming

Hudson Hongo · 07/09/14 02:15PM

This week, pale people both home and abroad wigged out after Scotland's Daily Record published an article claiming "redheads could become extinct" due to climate change. Citing an unnamed scientist, the paper forwarded the idea that increased sun exposure could kill off the world's ginger population like so many freckle-faced vampires, possibly within a few hundred years. Unfortunately for redheads coveting their potential conservation status (and the dupes at the Huffington Post, Glamour and The Independent), this story is total bullshit.

Zombie-Like Mystery Epidemic in Texas Is Just Another Dumb Hoax

Hudson Hongo · 07/08/14 03:00PM

Solidifying their status as the very worst "satire" site on the Internet, the fake and bad National Report decided to capitalize on a full-fledged humanitarian crisis on Saturday, publishing an article titled "CDC Investigates Mystery Illness Spreading Through Border Towns." As described in the story, the immigrant-carried outbreak has caused victims in Texas to regress to a "primitive brain state" becoming "very hostile and territorial, almost like feral dogs." By Monday, the vague parody of xenophobic hysteria had completely succeeded, but only at drumming up further xenophobic hysteria:

"Extreme Stalker" Who Called Ex 77,000 Times Is a Different Maniac

Hudson Hongo · 07/07/14 03:00PM

Radio stations across the country hit sweet, psycho ex-girlfriend paydirt last week when they dug up this article about "the most extreme case of stalking ever recorded in the history of the country." According to the story, one Linda Murphy was arrested in New Mexico after calling her ex-boyfriend 77,639 times in one week. "Can you imagine all the energy drinks she must have consumed to have all those sleepless nights?!" asked San Francisco's 99.7 NOW, failing to first ask if the totally bogus article was fake.

No, the Sexy Mugshot Guy Didn't Get a $30,000 Modeling Contract

Hudson Hongo · 07/03/14 09:00AM

On Wednesday, numerous media outlets, including the Washington Post, the Daily Mail and, ahem, Gawker, reported that famously photogenic mean-mugger Jeremy Meeks had landed a $30,000 contract with L.A.'s Blaze Modelz. Their source? A one-minute video from last Thursday's episode of TMZ. Not too surprisingly, that story didn't hold up when investigated by Bullet writer and anti-bullshit crusader Luke O'Neil, who took the unprecedented step of asking someone if it was true.