Forward or Delete: This Week's Fake Viral Photos

Hudson Hongo · 09/19/14 03:30PM

Occasionally, against all odds, you'll see an interesting or even enjoyable picture on the Internet. But is it worth sharing, or just another Photoshop job that belongs in the digital trash heap? Check in here and find out if that viral photo deserves an enthusiastic "forward" or a pitiless "delete."

Forward or Delete: This Week's Fake Viral Photos

Hudson Hongo · 09/12/14 04:00PM

Occasionally, against all odds, you'll see an interesting or even enjoyable picture on the Internet. But is it worth sharing, or just another Photoshop job that belongs in the digital trash heap? Check in here and find out if that viral photo deserves an enthusiastic "forward" or a pitiless "delete."

Forward or Delete: This Week's Fake Viral Photos

Hudson Hongo · 09/05/14 02:30PM

Occasionally, against all odds, you'll see an interesting or even enjoyable picture on the Internet. But is it worth sharing, or just another Photoshop job that belongs in the digital trash heap? Check in here and find out if that viral photo deserves an enthusiastic "forward" or a pitiless "delete."

Forward or Delete: This Week's Fake Viral Photos

Hudson Hongo · 08/30/14 10:30AM

Occasionally, against all odds, you'll see an interesting or even enjoyable picture on the Internet. But is it worth sharing, or just another Photoshop job that belongs in the digital trash heap? Check in here and find out if that viral photo deserves an enthusiastic "forward" or a pitiless "delete."

NBA Player Spreads Dumb Hoax About a "Real Life Purge"

Hudson Hongo · 08/28/14 04:30PM

Fueled by a potent mix of ignorance and teenage boredom, rumors of an upcoming "purge" raced across the country last week, with just about every major American city named as a target. A purge, in case you're not familiar, is the eponymous night of terror from 2013's The Purge, a dystopian horror-thriller where once a year all crime is legal for 12 hours.

Fox Affiliate Falls for College Humor's Office Note War Prank

Hudson Hongo · 08/26/14 03:00PM

Last Tuesday, College Humor posted a photo series titled "This Is The Most Passive-Aggressive Office Battle We've Ever Seen" depicting an exchange of break room notes that escalates into a full-scale sandwich hostage crisis. It was pretty funny, but also totally fake, as made clear by the extensive watermarks and "CH Staff" byline, an attribution the site reserves for original works like last year's phony Breaking Bad finale script.

"Alien Thigh Bone" Found on Mars Is Just a Rock

Hudson Hongo · 08/22/14 01:45PM

On Thursday, media outlets across the English-speaking world creamed their collective space-jeans over a possible "alien thigh bone" recently photographed by the Mars rover Curiosity. Citing the basement-renowned astronomists at, the Huffington Post, The Independent and the Daily Mirror all published empty speculation about the "mysterious object," the last naming it "the latest in a string of sightings of fossilised bones that enthusiasts have spotted."